
The Reseller model enables you to establish your own private centre(s) based on your specific experience and expertise. You can give it your own character while using our products and relevant services. You will undergo extensive training, which is compulsory for the products selected before commencement after which you will have continuous access to the material via our SM! online Training Academy.

  • Area
    The border of the Republic of South Africa is the only restriction with regards to geographical area. Preference will be given to applications focusing on regional areas and towns or cities where an existing supply chain or franchise does not exist.
  • Products
    1. Beginner’s Booster for 4-6 year olds – Pre-school maths and reading preparation.
    2. Reading Rocket - ready to read for Grade R and Grade 1 learners – Learn-to-read.
    3. Reading Rocket for Gr 1 to 12 learners and adults – Reading improvement.
    4. Maths Muncher for Gr 1 to 12 – Mathematical improvement.
  • Product Training
    1. Beginner’s Booster - Pre school maths and reading preparation live course.
    2. Reading Rocket - Learn to read and reading improvement on line course.
    3. Maths Muncher - Mathematical improvement on line course.
  • Operations/models of implementation
    1. Pre-schools are normally serviced with a mobile computer centre or laptops where learners enrol on an individual basis.
    2. A private reading/literacy centre is another successful application. Learners attend one or more reading classes per week.

I am ready to get started:

Are you driven? Do you have experience in education? Are you keen to start your own business? You are at the right place!

Our reseller license is a business-in-a-box that includes:

  • A yearly renewable license
  • The Reading Rocket program
  • Comprehensive training to apply the reading program
  • Training to become an expert in the reading process and related challenges
  • 10 hours of business coaching provided by Charlotte de Beer – the owner of readingSKYrocket.
  • Marketing strategies and materials
  • Administrative
  • Free countrywide marketing by SM! And RSR
  • The freedom to do your own marketing
  • Leads (not guaranteed – but we are a team and we are here to help you)
  • Training in AdminOnline – should you choose to use it for admin and invoicing
  • You become a part of established companies (Stimulus Maksima! & readingSKYrocket) with a success record and client base
  • You are included in any projects of the two companies, should you choose to be a part
  • You will always have a business mentor
  • Use of existing FB page & website / freedom to create your own
  • Monthly expenses of around R750 – R1500 – depending on the number of learners you teach and the products you decide to use
  • The training can be done part time or full time within 3 months. Full time would be about 15 days. Exams are completed online.

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